Making money online always interesting to discuss and find out. It is possible to earn more and more when you ready to pimp out your site or blog. Not only hundred per month but also thousands bucks. Looks impossible? No, it is possible to do.
I found website which pay you if you make a comment in topic on their site. You can join to comment on every topic like garden, finance, fashion and more. They have a new question everyday. You can find out more information on their site, WritersShare.
It works with simple ways. Just write an original comment (do your own words) for topic they provide. Make about three paragraphs with at least 150 words to start commenting. You should try to make your comment sounds interesting, well written and original as they will accept it and paying you £1 or almost $2. You can check out how to write and see sample of comments they accepted on their site.
If you ready, you only need doing three simple steps, pick a topic (choose the question you want to answer); start to write your comment; and post your comments and claim your money. They will pay you weekly via Paypal. They will pay you £1 per comment until you reach 50 comments. After your 50th comment, your rate goes up to £1.50 per comment. If you make it to 500 comments, you get a one-off bonus of £50. You will get £775 when you give them 500 qualified comments!!
As a good writer, you can earn up to £10 per hour!! Since WritersShare updating their systems, they can serve you more with fast payment and approval systems. Come visiting them and make more money with your comments now.
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